
Rubbish Collection

Summer kerbside collection starts on December 27th, running every tuesday (blue bag, yellow bin and green crate) and friday (blue bag and green crate) until friday February 10th. Full details can be found here or in the Events section of this website.


Summer dog restrictions are currently in force, under which dogs are banned from the beach from 9am to 6pm. Significant fines apply for owners allowing dogs on the beach outside these hours, and we understand there will be a major focus on enforcement of these rules

Please be aware of the dotterel and oyster catcher chicks on the beach at this time of the year – very few dotterels have fledged recently, and dogs have certainly played a part in damaging nests and killing chicks.

Security Camera Policy

You can view the policy in place in respect of the security camera installed at the entrance to the Bay here.

Visitor Information