What We Do

Representation to TCDC

One of our most important activities is representing the views of our community to the Mercury Bay Community Board (MCCB) and Thames Coromandel District Council (TCDC).   The Chair of OBRA meets regularly with the Community Board chair, local councillors and staff and the chairs of the other MBN Ratepayer chairs. We make submissions on all issues of importance to the community, and frequently appear at Council hearings and Community Board meetings to present these submissions in person.

Two issues that have taken up a great deal of time and effort recently have been in the areas of Freedom Camping and Waste Management, and both these issues continue to take up significant time as discussed further in the Recent Activities section of this website.

Community Initiatives

We have supported a number of Community initiatives over the years, with a particular focus on security and safety. These have included:

  • The recent installation of a security camera at the entrance to the Bay, which is expected to be a significant deterrent to the occasional bouts of break-ins we have experienced in the past
  • Acquisition and maintenance of Epi Pens and Defibrillators at several locations
  • Construction and maintenance of the swimming raft
  • Installation of navigation light, wind sock and Emergency Rescue equipment

On a less serious but equally important note, we support the Opito Sports Day and Fishing Competitions, and have run the popular Community BBQ for the last three years.

Environmental Initiatives

There has been an upsurge over the last few years in environmental activity in the Bay, and we are proud to have initiated or supported most of the key projects, more recently as a part of the Kuāotunu Biosphere Group. There is more detail on these here, but in summary they include:

  • the rāhui on Scallop Fishing which was formally implemented in September of this year
  • Pest Free Opito, led by Craig Roe with tremendous on the ground support from Rachel and Richard McMillan and a huge effort over at Matapaua Bay by Helen Blackie
  • Wilding Pine clearance, with Aaron Power representing Opito on this project attacking wilding pines across the peninsula
  • Dune restoration, beach clean ups and native tree planting all under the dedicated leadership of Chris Severne, who initiated planting of the retired farmland above the Blackjack Road some 20 years ago
  • The Dark Sky initiative, intended to get recognition for the Kuaotunu Peninsula from the International Dark Sky Association.

Waste Management

We have worked with the Council for many years on Waste Management Strategy, and while we were unsuccessful in our efforts to retain the Moloks, we continue to liaise with TCDC to ensure the approach adopted is successful, and to lobby for future improvements such as wheelie bins for blue bag rubbish. We continue to organise the twice yearly green waste collection process with Tricky Trees.


The traditional Christmas Newsletter is getting a makeover, and we expect to publish two or three newsletters each year going forward, as well as one-off communications on matters of immediate concern.