About Ōpito

For a little place, there is a lot going on at Ōpito. Famous for its magnificent beach, safe sweeping bay and magnificent views of the Mercury Islands, it is also a haven for keen fishers, divers and nature lovers. The Community is committed to preserving as far as possible the unique character of the Bay, which is still free of shops (not counting the coffee cart and Mr Whippy van!) and streetlights.

The beautiful environment that we are lucky enough to enjoy is under constant threat on many fronts – introduced predators and plants, dune erosion, light pollution and plastic waste to name the more obvious. It is a tribute to the many groups and volunteers who operate in the Bay that we are making real headway in countering these threats, and you can find out more about the work we are doing and how you can help here.

Ōpito also has a fascinating history, with some of the earliest known Māori settlements and a wealth of archaeological treasures. Over the last 120 years of European history, it has grown from two farms in the early 1900’s through a unique camping destination for the more intrepid in the 1960’s to its current status as a settlement with around 12 permanent resident families and around 300 houses and sections.

Our History

Needless to say, Ōpito has its fair share of interesting and generous personalities, and you can find out a little about some of them here.

Opito Bay Today

Our People